There Is No Christianity Without a Nativity

Logo - HeaderOur current sermon series at Malvern Hill, The Lights of Christmas, focuses on the good news that came with Jesus. As a part of the introduction to that series, I wrote, “Christianity rises and falls on the truth of the virgin birth.” Without the virgin birth, there can be no biblical Christianity. During this time of Christmas, it is important that we remember all of the details surrounding the birth of Christ. He was more than a good man who did good deeds in the world, he was the God-man who came to perform the greatest deed. Christ came to die so that we could live. Unless there is a virgin birth, Jesus could not be the person he claimed to be and he certainly could not have accomplished all that he or the other New Testament writers claim that he accomplished.

The Bible can be a book of morality or literature without the virgin birth, but it cannot be words of life. I’m thankful that Al Mohler has take time to write about the importance of the virgin birth this week. I hope that you will take time to read all that he has to say in his most recent article, The Only Intelligible Explanation for the Incarnation: A.T. Robertson on the Virgin Birth of Christ. Christ came to bring hope and salvation, but he can only do that if he is a God who is able to save us from the sin that ensnares us. He can only be God if he was divinely conceived. May God bless you this Christmas season as you reflect upon his wisdom and grace in sending his Son to die for our sins.