Dethroning Celebrity Pastors— Celebrity pastors are a reality in our world today. Joe Thorn warns us to be concerned for the celebrity pastor, especially the one that can emerge from our own hearts.
The Spasmodic Hercules— Odd title, I know, but I was very thankful for this article from Tim Challies on getting things done. Over the long run, the unglamorous habit of frequency fosters both productivity and creativity
The Spirit is Willing, But The Schedule is Tight— Ministry can be lots of things, but convenient is usually not the best way to describe it. The fact that our interruptions are divine appointments ensures that they probably won’t fit neatly into our schedule.
Fleeing Youthful Lusts isn’t Enough— From Travis Agnew: The problem comes when all I do is focus on fleeing from something that I actually dwell upon it. It’s like my boys turning around on their bicycles to see where I am. It can get dangerous because you don’t see what is up ahead.

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