The Daily Docket (7/8/14)

Our Unrealistic Views of Death, Through a Doctor’s Eyes— The farmers I take care of aren’t in any more of a hurry to die than my city-dwelling patients, but when death comes, they are familiar with it. They’ve seen it, smelled it, had it under their fingernails. A dying cow is not the same as a person nearing death, but living off the land strengthens one’s understanding that all living things eventually die.

Put Your Phone Down— As a people we have lost the plot. Because we can document everything, we will, and we can’t stop. Every event is now a sea of people with their arms held up in a triangle, forming an illuminati symbol with our phones at the apex.

The Big Picture— Exile as our new perspective.

The Great Commission Means Sharing Christ’s Story, Not Yours— Because of our emphasis on conversion stories and testimonies, we can unintentionally make people think that evangelism is the same thing as sharing your experience.

The Surprising Ages of the Founding Fathers— For the Journal of the American Revolution,Todd Andrlik compiled a list of the ages of the key participants in the Revolutionary War as of July 4, 1776. Many of them were surprisingly young: