The Daily Docket (7/4/14)

When We Best Learn the Bible“But sound Bible study is rooted in a celebration of delayed gratification. Gaining Bible literacy requires allowing our study to have a cumulative effect — across weeks, months, years — so that the interrelation of one part of Scripture to another reveals itself slowly and gracefully, like a dust cloth slipping inch by inch from the face of a masterpiece.”

Real Church— This one should make us all think about the grace of God and the temptation for us to make God’s grace and salvation into something else.

The Apparent Paradox of Sanctification— Christians who try to reconcile every doctrine in a humanly rational way are inevitably drawn to extremes. Seeking to remove all mystery and paradox, they emphasize one truth or aspect of God’s Word at the expense of another which seems to contradict it. This is precisely how many Christians have handled the doctrine of sanctification. One view of sanctification emphasizes God’s role to the virtual exclusion of the believer’s effort. This is often referred to as quietism. The opposite extreme is called pietism.

Famous People Who Died on the Fourth of July— This list includes three American presidents who died on July 4th, two of them on the same day.