The Daily Docket 3/17/15

shamrockThe Integrity of Words and Our Confession of Faith— Al Mohler has some insightful words of warning. “Rarely does an institution decide, in one comprehensive moment of decision, to abandon the faith and seek after another. The process is far more dangerous and subtle. A direct institutional evasion would be instantly recognized and corrected, if announced honestly at the onset. Instead, theological disaster usually comes by means of drift and evasion, shading and equivocation.”

What is Your Exit Plan?— This is one of two articles I read yesterday on the necessity of protecting our kids from us online. “At some point you need to evaluate when and why you post those pictures, and who they are really meant to serve. At least in my case, I know that so many of them were meant to serve only me. I could portray myself as a great dad or a good Christian, and use my kids as little more than props. They were props, not people, and it revealed something ugly within me.” Here’s the other link from USA Today: Do You Overshare About Your Kids Online?

Who Was St. Patrick?— In his inaugural podcast, J.D. Payne shares some information about St. Patrick and dispels some common myths.

How to Look Organized— Here are some good practical tips if you are suddenly overwhelmed by the number of requests on your time.