The Daily Docket

Reaching Men from the Pulpit— Today, I had the privilege of contributing to LifeWay’s Pastors Today blog.  Here’s an excerpt, Do men perceive of you as a godly person or a godly man? Men follow men. Pastors, we must resist the temptation to sacrifice our masculinity for a gender-inclusive form of Christianity that appeals to women and children but alienates men. 

Eleven Mistakes I’ve Made as an Author— Thom Rainer has some great advice here.

Bound to Work— We just started a new sermon series on Spiritual Warfare.  Here are some reasons why you should not attempt to “bind Satan.” Satan can be bound, just not by you. The task of binding Satan is given to an angel. (Rev 20:1-3). It’s a pretty important task, and a lot of eschatology depends in it being done properly.

When the Abortion Industry Self-Destructs— In one sense, there are really just two types of people when it comes to the topic of abortion: those who think it is okay to kill unborn babies, and those who think it is wrong. If you don’t think you’re in one of these categories, you still are; you’re just confused.