I try to get into the gym 3 to 4 times per week for at least an hour per visit, but my goals are not always met. Sometimes I’m only able to get in for half an hour or only make two days a week. Some weeks I spend much more time on our stationary bike than I do forcing out heavy reps in a squat rack. But I have come to realize that something is always better than nothing. 20 minutes of walking is not as beneficial as 90 minutes in the gym, but that 20 minute walk is better than 20 minutes in front of the TV. Family devotions are like my exercise routines, somedays are better than others but something is always better than nothing.
I get asked regularly about the best way to lead a family devotion. In fact, it was with this in mind that we developed our Family Worship Guide at Malvern Hill several years ago. But the truth is that there is no “best” way to teach the Bible in your home or lead family devotions. Some ways may be better than others, but the best devotion is the one that you do rather than the one you do not do. In addition to the Family Worship Guide, here are a few things that we have found beneficial in teaching our kids the Bible formally and informally.
- Family Memory Verse— I try to post these on my site every week. Memorizing a verse each week as a family enables us to put the Word of God into our hearts and into practice. Of course it is amazing to see the way that God sovereignly aligns our verses with the events of our lives many weeks.
- Seeds Family Worship— We use this as a part of our children’s music ministry at our church and it is a wonderful tool in our home and in our car to teach our kids the Word of God. They often have great sales that enable you to buy a copy for a neighbor or family member as well.
- The Jesus Story Bible— We have this in hard copy and electronic copy. Aubrey (our youngest) loves to sit with the iPad and have this read to her. Sally-Lloyd Jones has also written a devotional titled Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing that has been a blessing to our family.
- The Big Picture Story Bible — This is geared more for younger children, but I remember having tears in my eyes a few times as I read this to my young children. This book blessed us.
- Devotions Sheet— This is new in our house, but the children’s devotion sheet from Knowable Word is already making a difference in the way that we do devotions and train our kids to do devotions. I can’t recommend it too strongly.
My greatest fear in a post like this is that someone would see the Thompson’s as a super-spiritual family with a devotional schedule that cannot be matched. Trust me, we struggle and we often fail. Our devotions are not half an hour. Sometimes we struggle to maintain attention for more than 5 minutes. Remember, consistency is the key and something is always better than nothing. Five minutes over breakfast is better than the 20 minutes you plan to do at night but never have time for.
It’s OK if you haven’t done devotions before, you do not have to re-invent the wheel. Use one (or several) of the resources listed above and get started today! And remember, the best family devotion is the one that gets done.