Psalm 119 Resources

I began preaching through Psalm 119 two Sunday ago. The preparation for these messages has already been a great blessing and continues to be a blessing each week. Here are a few resources I’m using in my study, preparation, and even personal devotions. The use of commentaries is self-explanatory. The other books are centered around Bible  in one way or another. Because Psalm 119 is all about the Word of God, I’m immersing myself in the Word and in study about the Word. The lists may grow, but for now, this is what I’m using.


  • Psalm 119: The Diary of a Captive: This book is really incredible. I should preface it by saying that I don’t know Gene Cunningham or any of his other work, though the theological statements on his website are sound. Though the book is obviously built on solid scholarship, I believe he may be a little overconfident in his knowledge of who the author of Psalm 119 is. Nevertheless, you should download this and read it. It is a blessing to my soul and has enriched my study and understanding of Psalm 119.
  • The Treasury of David- Psalm 119: The Treasury of David is one of Spurgeon’s greatest lasting legacies and his treatment of Psalm 119 does not disappoint. It is pretty exhaustive and exhausting, but a great joy none the less.
  • The Expositor’s Bible Commentary on Psalms: This is not a nice resource if you want quick overviews.
  • Psalms 73-150 in Tyndale Old Testament Commentary: Derk Kidner has packed a punch in this short work. His introductory material on Psalm 119 highlighting the major themes is worth the price of the whole book.
  • An Exposition of Psalm 119 by Charles Bridges: Spurgeon considered this to be the greatest work on Psalm 119. Originally published in 1827, it enjoyed at least 24 editions in his lifetime.

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