Pastoring Requires Presence

I was planning to write this yesterday and got distracted, but it turns out to be a good thing. This morning, I came across an article explaining the new CEO for Starbucks is going to be “supercommuting” from California to Seattle. Instead of relocating to the place where his job is located, Brian Niccol will take a corporate jet to commute the 1000 miles from his home to Seattle to be in the office at least three days per week.

I have no idea if that means he will fly every day. It really isn’t my business one way or the other.

But, I am concerned for pastors.

I have no idea if Starbucks’ culture can be changed by a CEO who is doesn’t live among his people, but I know that pastoring well requires presence.

A pastor is a shepherd, and for a shepherd to care well for his sheep, he has to be among his sheep.

The presence of a pastor is needed in hospital rooms and at bedsides. Most people know that, but if a pastor is going to impact his community, he has to be present in lots of other places as well.

Church members need to see their pastor at Bible studies and senior adult picnics. Pastors need to be present for children’s events and outreach efforts. But, there really is more. Pastors should go to football games and 5k races.

Pastors need to be present in their communities. Where should (or could) a pastor be present? Pastors should be missionally present in places where community members gather so they can reach others with the gospel. Pastors should also look for ways to be present in places where church members gather so that they can build community.

I’ve given you a list of possible places for pastors to be present below, but the places really do not matter as much as the person and the effort. Pastors have opportunities to make wide impact, but they have to do more than preach. They have to know the people to whom they preach, and meet them where they are.

If you are a pastor reading this, look at your schedule. How often are you present in your community? Do people expect to see you in public and look forward to your presence? There is a biblical expectation for pastors to practice hospitality, but there is a form of hospitality that you get to practice outside of your home–you make yourself available to others by sharing your presence with them.

Pastors, get out of your office and spend time with your people. Get out of your pastors meetings and spend time with real people. You will be blessed. They will be blessed. And, your ministry impact will be multiplied as people discover that you are a real person with a supernatural message!

Some places pastors can be present:

  • Nursing homes.
  • Coffee shops and local restaurants
  • Farmers Market
  • high school football games (it is football season after all)
  • school board or local government meetings
  • little league baseball
  • local dance performances (we had nearly a dozen kids from our church in ONE ballet performance recently)
  • Community concerts
  • Christmas events
  • Volunteering in local schools
  • Chamber of Commerce
  • Civic organizations
  • Police or Fire chaplain
  • hunting clubs

Phot Credit: Kendall Horner https://kh–

1 thought on “Pastoring Requires Presence”

  1. I am so thankful (as a teacher in a public school) that our pastors are present in one of the biggest mission fields. Thank YOU ALL for being in our school community because IT MATTERS!!! We are truly blessed!!

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