Links for Monday

1. Internet Monk likes Matt Chandler and Eugene Peterson. He also apparently loves pastoring and has some insight on contemporary stereotypes of pastoring that I have been struggling with myself. I encourage you to read the Monk’s great article here.

2. Ed Stetzer is doing wonderful things for Christendom with his research and writing, especially in the areas of church planting and the young unchurched. In a recent article on cohabitation, Stetzer reveals some interesting insights on the relationship between church dropouts and cohabitation.

It is probably not a surprise that those who are cohabiting are also more likely to be dropouts, but it does speak to some of the challenges in reaching adults in our culture.

3. My recent article from the Baptist Courier (The SC Baptist Newspaper) on the need for change in SCBC structures to accomplish the Great Commission.

For too long we have feigned good health while slowly decaying and dying, yet we continue to perpetuate unhealthy practices because it is the will of some without questioning whether it is the will of The One.

4. Al Mohler on why he has hope in young pastors.

5. John Meade wrestling with the question: Would The Apostles Endorse Multi-Site Church?

6. Trevin Wax with a few book recommendations.