Is Jesus The Only Savior? Is a scholarly response to the questions constantly raised around the claims of exclusivity. Ronald Nash stands firm as an exclusivist and affirms through biblical testimony that Jesus is the only Savior for mankind.
In the first part of the book, Nash addresses the arguments of pluralists who claim that God can be found through many paths. John Hick is the primary proponent of this view, and Nash does a great job answering his arguments with sound biblical criticism and logical arguments.
The second part of the book addresses the inclusivist argument. Nash does a great job of recognizing this argument as a romanticizing theology and giving priority to feeling and emotion. He writes:
J.I. Packer believes inclusivists are more influenced by the “American Idea of fairness” than by anything they have learned from Scripture…good and sincere people allow their feelings to get the better of them. Once they convince themselves emotionally that a certain belief must be true, they conclude it is true and must therefore be in the Bible.
He concludes the book with a chapter titled, Why I’m Not and Inclusivist. He makes plain the case that exclusivists do not revel in the idea of eternal damnation and suffering, only that the most plausible case laid out by scripture is that salvation is available only to those who have called upon the name of Christ for salavation during their life on earth.
This book is probably not approachable by the average lay-person because of the technical language used by Nash in some places, however, it is a very definitive answer to the question, Is Jesus The Only Savior?