Hating Change is Not the Same as Loving Jesus

I’m pretty conservative in almost every aspect of my life. That means I really do not care much for change, if I am being honest. I like my coffee the same way every morning, I read from the same Bible every day, journal in the same kind of notebooks, and use the same pen. I have toyed with the idea of having a closet full of the exact same shirts and wearing them on repeat, but my wife has nixed that idea.

It is not bad to be conservative. In fact, in many areas of life it is the only faithful way to live. As it relates to the Bible, anything other than seeking to conserve the word as it was given by the Lord and written down by his servants is not honoring to the Lord. If I decide to take a progressive approach to Scripture, what I am deciding is that the Bible should not be the guide to shape and correct me, but that I should be the guide to shape and correct the Bible. Revelation 22:18-19 warns:

18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

But, what of other areas of life? What about the carpet color in your church building, or the choices of worship music, or the ever-changing styles of clothing? Do these have anything to do with loving the Lord?

Sure, we can clothe our preferences with scriptural references, but that does not make them biblical issues. I don’t see why any guy wears skinny jeans. I could make the argument that girls should wear skinny jeans and men should only wear jeans with enough pocket room for a sizable knife and I could even wrap that idea with Deuteronomy 22:5 which warns, “A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.” But I would be distorting the intended meaning of that text and I would be revealing something about my heart.

I don’t like change, but hating change is not the same as loving Jesus. I don’t like change because it makes me uncomfortable, but often the greatest growth we ever experience in our Christian lives is through discomfort. Jesus is not really conservative, because he changes everything. That is the promise that he gives over and over in the New Testament.

  • To the weary, he promises rest–CHANGE
  • To the sinner, he promises forgiveness–CHANGE
  • To the outcast, he offers a friend–CHANGE
  • The lost get found–CHANGE
  • The sick get healed–CHANGE
  • The weak become strong–CHANGE

The list could go on and on. Following Jesus is all about change, and every follower of Jesus should celebrate the changes that Jesus brings. Jesus was revolutionary and he invites his followers into the revolution. The call to Christ is the call to die to yourself and live for Jesus and others. The call to Christ is not a call to comfort and convenience, but a call to mission.

Loving Jesus means welcoming change. Change to your life. Change to the lives around you. Often, loving Jesus and others will mean a willingness on your part for your church to look different or for ministry models to shift. I have now lived long enough to see the need for evangelism models to shift and change. The gospel of Jesus does not change, but the fact that American culture is further from Jesus today than thirty years ago means that the old “Romans Road” form of evangelism has become a bit outdated. Evangelism, apologetics, and mission must change.

Remember, changes in methods and practices does not mean changes in the gospel or the Bible itself. As followers of Jesus, we cling to the unchanging word of God and the God of the word, but we also know that everything else will constantly be in flux. And that is OK.

So, Christian, loosen up a little. The kids don’t dress the way you want them to, and their music is bad. Before you fully embrace your front porch rocking chair and yell for kids to “get off my lawn,” consider that perhaps your comfort is not to be your priority. Hating change is not loving Jesus, it is just loving yourself.

Let’s all get over ourselves and get serious about Jesus.

Photo by Ana Essentiels on Unsplash