Faithful, Not Flashy

As pastors, we should always strive to preach messages that are good, well organized, and engaging.  However, we will often find ourselves preaching or teaching certain things that simply are not as flashy as we would like.  Somethings just need to be taught regardless of whether or not they excite the world.

So sermon series on the Song of Solomon are sure to draw in crowds and to be flashy and exciting.  Sermon series on the book of Leviticus, however, may not have the same pizzazz.  The answer, of course, is not to preach constantly in the books and subjects that are the most engaging while avoiding those topics that our listeners may not find as exciting.  Martin Luther rightly said it takes a whole Bible to make a whole Christian.

So, pastors, there will be times when you have to preach or teach things that may seem boring, but preach them anyway.  Preach them passionately and with as much excitement as possible and trust that the Holy Spirit will honor the faithful pastor more than the pastors attempts at flashy sermons that avoid difficult texts and subjects.