Jake Morris is a teacher and assistant head football coach at Dorman High School in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Jake is also a committed follower of Jesus, a husband, and a father. I have known Jake since I was his youth pastor when he was in middle school. On this episode of the podcast, Jake and I talk about the importance of investing in young men and how coaches can and must care about more than X’s and O’s. Along the way, Jake tells us what makes the most difference in the kids he coaches and how kids today are the same as they were twenty years ago and what is different.
As young people in our culture more consistently live in fatherless homes, the role of male coach is more important than it has ever been. Even more important, however, is for coaches to accept the responsibility to be more than a ball coach, to be people of character and courage who help raise young men up to make a difference in the world around them. Our culture needs Christian coaches who will represent Christ first. Jake is one of those coaches. I know you will enjoy this episode.
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