Don’t Quit

The second Friday in January is called Quitter’s Day. Why? It is the day each year by which most Americans have given up on their New Year’s Resolutions.

So, I’m writing to you on the second Monday in January and urging you to keep going. I’m hoping the that many of you committed to reading your Bible more regularly in 2024, but I’m guessing that some of you have already begun to wane in that commitment. Perhaps, just a few days into 2024, you’ve already missed several days and do not see any chance of completing your 2024 reading plan.

Don’t. Quit.

Get back on the horse and try again. Try to catch up. If you don’t think you can catch up, then just start where you are. Your “Bible in a year” plan might take you 13 or 14 months, just don’t give up. The prize is worth the struggle.

If you haven’t started a reading plan yet, then start today. Make a plan and stick to it. When you stumble, get up and try again.

This post is short, because there is something more important for you to read today.

Get back to God’s word and watch it change you this year!

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash