DIY Men’s Retreat

There is no substitute for godly husbands and fathers leading in their homes. All of us, however, need to be reminded, refreshed, and encouraged. This week I ran across a series of conference messages from Al Mohler to a men’s retreat last fall (2016).

I was encouraged, challenged, and edified. I was disappointed when the last one ended. I strongly encourage you to check out this DIY Men’s Retreat that you can listen to in your ear buds, at your computer, or in the truck on your way to work.

A Man for All Seasons: A Man in the Making– Mohler describes the importance of raising boys to be men and gives some helpful advice on helping boys make that transition.

A Man for All Seasons: A Man at His Stride– How does a man live for Christ, lead his family, and work to earn a living with young children and all of the stressors that raising children bring?

A Man for All Seasons: A Man in His Prime– When does a man hit his prime? Dr. Mohler shows that the Christian man can hit his prime after the kids are grown and continue it well beyond the typical age of retirement.

I hope these sessions bless you the way they blessed me this week.